Holiday Red OBEY 4K and HD



Happy holidays my pet, It’s time to enjoy the holiday season at a new level by taking your obedience to a new level of PLEASURE that’s right you can actually get even more pleasure from obeying me than ever. I’m going to add the red lust trigger into your obedience pleasure trigger making them both so much stronger that you will be filled with lustful pleasure every time you obey me. I’m going to use all the RED xmas decor this time of year to really push it to the max. Obedience to me your goddess Zenova has always given you amazing pleasure but when I intwine the 2 triggers of red lust and obedience the lustful pleasure you feel from obeying me will hit new levels of lustful pleasure. Especially when you are seeing RED everywhere during the holidays. Everything about me always makes you so excited and makes your mind empty so effortlessly.