This is very different from what I usually put out here. This is a guided meditation that will help you increase your orgasmic PLEASURE. The orgasmic energy can be used for all sorts of things even manifesting your greatest desires and is so much more than just for sex. In this I will guide you to amp up your orgasmic energy (Tantra energy) with visualization and rhythmic breathing and teach you to “dial it up” to levels you never thought possible. Learning to dial up and move this energy through your body will help increase your enjoyment and PLEASURE of all My other videos. This is an audio only because you need to close your eyes and imagine things but there is a video version included that is just My eyes in case you want to start by gazing into My eyes.
Rhoan (verified owner) –
Goddess Zenova, this was a fantastic, erotic and enchanting meditative experience! You had all my energies (chi) and/or charkas lit-up to the max with sexual vibs with this file. Your voice subjugating, soothing and then energizing everything, you are like a beautiful, sexy “teacher” (Sifu) in this file, instructing/guiding but in the most sexy, sensual ways. This is a very potent and energizing file! Thank you Goddess Zenova.